Sudden failure and confusion of vim color matching

problem description: used to use vim has always been good, recently to a new place (new server) suddenly found that the color of some files are often broken, as above (from line 653 into the color of the comments). I can"t find the solution, I can"t look at the code.


  1. I always look at the code directly on the server, not locally.
  2. thought there was something wrong with the Xshell he used at first, so it was good to change to Ubuntu, for the first two weeks, but it suddenly changed this afternoon when I was reading the code.
  3. .vimrc should be fine, just the versions that are popular on the Internet, which have been used for many years. And I deleted .vimrc from the server and found that it was crude to open files with the system"s own vi, color matching, highlighting, etc., but there was still a problem in this place-so it shouldn"t be .vimrc.
  4. I guess, is there something wrong with the server system itself?