React project nginx configuration issues

there is a problem when using nginx to configure the front and back end to separate items. The front end is done with react and the routing is in history mode. The nginx configuration is as follows:

server {
    listen    8000;
    server_name   test;
    charset utf-8,gbk;
    location / {
        root /opt/web/test1;
        -sharpindex index.html index.htm;
        try_files $uri /index.html;

    location /v1/ {

the front-end page can be accessed after configuration, but the path in the ajax request will be one more level of directory. The rules are as follows:

//  /bill :

similarly, if my url address is http://localhost:3000/test/query, the requested path will become http://localhost:3000/test/xxx/xxx/list.


the request is fine when I change the route in react to hash mode, that is, remove the try_files $uri / index.html; from the nginx configuration.
does any boss know why? thank you very much.


when packing, configure publicPath

the reason is that when you configure url in the project, it is written as a relative path.
should add a / before url, as follows:
