How to use soap of php to make a request

such as the title: I have looked for many methods on the Internet, but I can"t start with all kinds of materials

requirement: I want to use xml to request the interface, plus verification information, and process the requested data

this is based on the code written on the Internet:




by the way: php version is 5.4

finally successfully connected after some efforts, but reported an error: Error reading XMLStreamReader.
trouble bosses move to
Thank you


//url   __getFunctions    
$client = new \SoapClient("url"); 
$arr = $client->__soapCall('function',array('parameters' =>$xml)); 
$test = $this->xmlToArray($arr);
return $test;

if you don't understand, I suggest you take a look at php's official manual:


are they interfaces written by .NET? Is there a document? let's see what the format is
