How to solve the online Cross-Domain problem by axios

because the sever side belongs to someone else, you can only handle cross-domain requests at the front end

axios how to deal with cross-domain problems. My configuration in proxyTable only works locally

Cross-domain problems occur again in the online environment

CORS or nginx proxy or interface development that cannot be solved by online cross-domain front end

Let me give you a link. This question has been fiercely answered

quickly and directly using nginx proxy

in this case, it seems that we can only reverse proxy

for the time being, use JsonBird to solve it. However, there is a certain delay. Currently, we have not found a better way

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, cross-source resource sharing) HTTP access control technology, but there is a compatibility problem.

ask the bosses to spray lightly, our front-end and front-end separate projects, running in an Express service, the code is as follows, the middleware used by the agent, http-proxy-middleware.
`var express = require ('express');
var proxyMiddleware = require (' http-proxy-middleware');
var apiHost ='';
var proxyTable = {
'/ v1mm: {

target: apiHost,
changeOrigin: true,

'/ preview': {

target: apiHost,
changeOrigin: true,

'/ download': {

target: apiHost,
changeOrigin: true,


var app = express ();
var port = 4000;
Object.keys (proxyTable) .forEach (function (context) {
var options = proxyTable [context];
if (typeof options = 'string') {

options = { target: options }

app.use (proxyMiddleware (options.filter | | context, options))
app.use (require ('connect-history-api-fallback') ());
app.use (express.static ('. / dist'));
var uri =' http://localhost:' + port;


var _ resolve;
var readyPromise = new Promise (function (resolve) {
_ resolve = resolve;

console.log ('> Starting prod server.' + uri);


var server = app.listen (port);

module.exports = {

ready: readyPromise,
close: function() {

}; `
