There is no information on the first page in the source code of the page. How to get the xpath of the next page?

There is no page information in the source code of the

page. How to get the xpath.
on the next page can all be found in the source code, but the information in the following figure is not available, which makes me unable to turn the page.
how do I get the xpath of the next page, or how to turn the page? ?


this page number is generated with js, and the page number is in the embedded js:

    var curr=4;
        var count =721;
        layui.use(['layer', 'jquery', 'laypage','element'], function () {
            var laypage = layui.laypage
              , layer = layui.layer;
            var element = layui.element;
            element.on('nav(demo)', function(elem){
            var total = 721;
            var limit = 12;