Virtual machine ubuntu 18.04. installation of VMwareTools did not work?

is to follow the general steps, and the result does not take effect:

1. Copy the WMwareTools directly to the desktop

2. Then open the terminal decompression command: tar-xzvf VMwareTools-10.0.6-3595377.tar.gz

3. Enter the unzipped directory, execute: sudo. /, and enter all the way.

4. In the end, if the prompt is successful, reboot will be fine.

is it because vmwaretools does not support the latest ubuntu18.04?

when installing vmware-tools,

"The path "" is not valid path to the gcc binary" 

after confirming the installation gcc, input path / usr/bin/gcc

"The path "/usr/bin/gcc" is not valid path to the gcc binary" 

then simply no,
the result is not valid.

find the reason, find the vmware-tools-distrib/bin/ file:

sub getValidGccPath {
  my $gcc_path = shift;
  my $modconfig = shift;
  my $appLoaderArgs = shift;
  my $answer;
  my $query;
  my $default;

  while (1) {
    if (system("$modconfig --validate-gcc \"$gcc_path\" $appLoaderArgs " .
           ">/dev/null 2>&1") == 0) {
      $query = "The path \"$gcc_path\" appears to be a valid path to the " .
           "gcc binary.";
      $default = 'no';
    } else {
      $query = "The path \"$gcc_path\" is not valid path to the gcc binary.";
      $default = 'yes';
      $gcc_path = '';

    $answer = get_answer($query . "\n Would you like to change it?",
             'yesno', $default);
    if ($answer eq 'yes') {
      -sharp Get new path.
      $gcc_path = query('What is the location of the gcc program ' .
            'on your machine?', $gcc_path, 0);
    } else {
  return $gcc_path;

add the input path and directly return the value of gcc_path

  $gcc_path = query('What is the location of the gcc program ' .
            'on your machine?', $gcc_path, 0);
  return $gcc_path;

installation is complete, resolve
