Are Cinder and Swift in OpenStack required?

there are some questions about OpenStack:

  1. is it necessary to deploy OpenStack,1 x Block Storage Node (Cinder) and 2 x Object Storage Node (Swift)?
  2. I see ide/overview.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> official document says that these Node are optional, so if these two node, are not provided, are Cinder and Swift installed in Controller Node? Or is there no such thing at all? So what does OpenStack replace them with?
  3. what special requirements does Block Storage Node have for physical devices?
  4. what special requirements does Object Storage Node have for physical devices?
  5. how should I plan the hard disk capacity of Controller Node and Computer Node if Block Storage Node and Object Storage Node, are deployed?
  6. how should I plan the hard disk capacity of Controller Node and Computer Node without Block Storage Node and Object Storage Node,?
  7. Welcome to share some of the pits you have encountered.

cinder is block storage. You can simply understand it as a mobile hard disk. When you need a hard disk to create a virtual machine, you will add a storage device to the virtual machine through cinder technology, that is, the mobile hard disk. Swift is object storage, is a storage system, it is not like block storage, you can freely format block devices, add file systems, etc., it is now a system, when you need to save files, transfer the files to swift, how to save, where to store, this is not your concern. On the other hand, when you fetch a file, you send a command to swift, which will automatically fetch it for you, and you don't need to know how to get it (the path to which the file is stored). Its purpose is to store the image file that creates the virtual machine, and when the virtual machine is created, issue the command to swift, to get the image.
