How to get the data of data in the shortcuts of DatePicker of elementui?

like the following code, how can I get form.datefrom in onClick.
my original requirement is to have a shortcut to implement the date of the form.datefrom+1 year

data() {
    return {
      form: { tenants: [], datefrom: new Date() },
      loading: false,
      daterangeOptions: {
        disabledDate: (time) => {
          const beginDateVal = this.$moment(this.form.datefrom)
          if (beginDateVal) {
            return this.$moment(time) < beginDateVal
        shortcuts: [{
          text: "",
          onClick(picker) {
            picker.$emit("pick", this.$moment(this.form.datefrom).add(1, "y"))
        }, {
          text: "",
          onClick(picker) {
            picker.$emit("pick", this.$moment(this.form.datefrom).add(6, "M"))
        }, {
          text: "",
          onClick(picker) {
            picker.$emit("pick", this.$moment(this.form.datefrom).add(3, "M"))
        }, {
          text: "",
          onClick: (picker) => {
            picker.$emit("pick", this.$moment(this.form.datefrom).add(1, "M"))

`data () {
let _ this = this / / you can get
} `

with _ this.


        text: '',
        onClick: (picker) => {
          picker.$emit('pick', this.$moment(this.form.datefrom).add(1, 'M').add(-1, 'd').toDate())

        text: '',
        onClick: (picker) => {
          const  thisDate = picker.value;
          picker.$emit('pick', new Date(thisDate.getFullYear()+1

I searched the Internet for three hours for keywords on this question, but there was no effect. It took me ten minutes to see the source code: what is picker
