SQL INSERT statement reported an error

MySQL database, the navicat software code used is as follows
INSERT INTO EMP (EMPNO,ENAME,JOB) VALUES (9999 "Zhang Zero", "Software engineer");

error message
[SQL] INSERT INTO EMP (EMPNO,ENAME,JOB) VALUES (9999 Zhang Zero, "Software engineer");
[Err] 1366-Incorrect string value: "xE5xBCxA0xE9x9BxB6" for column" ENAME" at row 1


The encoding of the

engine is latin,. If you want to save the GBK, modify ename character set=UTF-8, if you want to save the special character set=UTF8mb4, MySQL recommends minimizing the null value operation as far as possible, either give a default value or not null,null takes up physical storage space

is the ENAME field of varchar type?
