How does primeNG use mixed Chart

primeNG uses chart.js as a chart, and a separate chart.js can use a mixed chart. I would like to ask primeNG how to use a mixed chart.

< p-chart type= "scatter" [data] = "data" [options] = "options" > < / p-chart >

I write as chart.js
but it shows only the points of the scattered graph, not the linear graph. Here is the code: = {
  datasets: [
      label: "",
      data: [{x:1,y:5},{x:3,y:7},{x:8,y:10}],
      fill: false,
      borderColor: "-sharpfff"
      label: "",
      data: [{x:5,y:8},{x:3,y:7},{x:8,y:10}],
      fill: false,
      borderColor: "-sharpfff",

      type: "line"
this.options = {
  responsive: false,
  title: {
    display: true,
    text: "",
    fontSize: 12
  scales: {
    yAxes: [
        scaleLabel: {
          display: true,
          labelString: "KKWH"
        gridLines: {
          display: false
    xAxes: [
        type: "linear",
        position: "bottom"

after reviewing the document over and over again, it is found that when chart and scatter of line type are mixed, if you write scatter, in the type of the template and write type:line in the dataset, you need to write the showLine: true in the line dataset to display the lines, otherwise only the dots will be displayed. On the other hand, if you write line, in the type of the template and type:scatter in the dataset, you don't need to write showLine: true.
