Git ignores the failure of large files of the specified type, resulting in inability to push to the new git repository.

problem: several projects developed within the company want to be transferred to their own git warehouse, because they are placed on the company"s server, so they cannot fork,
, so the project is pulled locally and then creates a new remote branch on its own GitHub. It is then pushed locally to the new git repository.

there are no problems with several other project pushes, only one project failed push because there was a zip file larger than 100MB. But this zip file is really not needed, so I tried to ignore and then push, but failed.


    1. git rm --cached static/*.zip zip
    .gitignore  static/*.zip zippushzip100MB  
    2.   .git/info/exclude
    3.  git update-index --assume-unchanged static/*.zip 

No matter what you do, the push fails. It is prompted that the zip file is larger than 100MB. Is it because the above method is only valid for this submission? when push arrives at the new warehouse, the previously submitted records will also be submitted?

you first use the delete zip, and then commit it, and then try to modify the .gitignore
