Scratch secondary development, material library is empty

compile the scratch official source code, get the scratch.swf, to put it on the server and find the material library request error, will not configure, ask how to modify, you can correctly get the material library audio database and other materials


For the getMediaLibrary method under, you need to obtain 4 json files.
the following four are the json files of my website (actually, I also grabbed them from the official website)
shape , role , sound , background
as for the resource library, I have previously down one ( dial address ), but this is not complete (and has not been updated). Later, I wrote a script to read json and got it one by one (the data is very large.)
. By the way, the extracted media folder is that repository

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@ landlord, reply, because I want to take a screenshot directly.
my submission process is actually rather tedious (stupid), after all, it involves three blocks (while as cannot directly contact the server except HttpRequest).
Screenshot of the process is as follows:


  • (as)js

as for the js code, just look at the creation page of my website directly. I didn't do the js file. I wrote it all on the page.
