The root module in Angularjs2 imports the feature module, how to import the route of the feature module as a child route of the root module route?

recently encountered in the development of the problem, the root module in the import of sub-modules, sub-module routing will extend the root module routing.
but root module routing and submodule routing are peer-to-peer.

the following is the root module routing

import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { RouterModule, Routes }  from "@angular/router";
import { AuthGuard } from "./common/auth/auth.service";

const manage_routes: Routes = [
        path: "manage",
        children: [
            { path: "",  redirectTo: "dashboard_conf", pathMatch: "full" },

    imports: [ RouterModule.forChild(manage_routes) ],
    exports: [ RouterModule ]
export class ManageRoutingModule {}

the following is feature module routing

import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { RouterModule, Routes }  from "@angular/router";

import { ImageUploadComponent } from "./upload_image.component";
import { ImageConfComponent } from "./image.component";
import { ImageSeriesConfComponent, ImageSeriesConfDetailComponent, ImageSeriesSetComponent } from "./image_series.component";
import { ImageTagConfComponent, ImageTagConfDetailComponent, ImageTagSetComponent } from "./image_tag.component";
import { ImageSeriesCategoryConfComponent, ImageSeriesCategoryConfDetailComponent, ImageSeriesCategoryConfSetDetailComponent} from "./image_series_category.component";
import { ImageRecommendTagConfComponent, ImageRecommendTagConfDetailComponent } from "./image_recommend_tag.component";

const image_routes: Routes = [
    { path: "manage/image_upload", component: ImageUploadComponent },
    { path: "manage/image_conf", component: ImageConfComponent },
        path: "manage/image_series_conf", 
        children: [
            { path: "", component: ImageSeriesConfComponent },
            { path: "detail/:id", component: ImageSeriesConfDetailComponent },
            { path: "detail/add", component: ImageSeriesConfDetailComponent },
            { path: "set/:id", component: ImageSeriesSetComponent },

    imports: [ RouterModule.forChild(image_routes) ],
    exports: [ RouterModule ]
export class ImageRoutingModule {}

Root module import feature module

import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { RouterModule } from "@angular/router";
import { ImageModule } from "./image/image.module";

    declarations: [
    imports: [
        ImageModule, // 
        ManageRoutingModule, // 
    providers: [
export class ManageModule {

final route list

Routes:  [
    "path": "manage/image_series_conf",
    "children": [
        "path": ""
        "path": "detail/:id"
        "path": "detail/add"
        "path": "set/:id"
    "path": "",
    "redirectTo": "manage",
    "pathMatch": "full"

after the two route lists are combined, it is still a level relationship, so how can the feature module be used as a child route of the root module? Can we only write all the routes together?


use lazy loading without importing feature modules, as follows:
Root Route:

const manage_routes: Routes = [
        path: 'manage',
        children: [
            { path: '',  redirectTo: 'dashboard_conf', pathMatch: 'full' },
            { path:' image',loadChildren:'../../image.module-sharpImageModule'}