Can't < jsp:setProperty > < jsp:getProperty > specify scope? Which scope do they search by default?

instances of the same name that implement the javabean specification are prohibited in the same domain (even if the classes of the instances are different), right?

When searching in the

< jsp:useBean > tag, if you encounter an instance that implements the javabean specification with a name that conforms to the value specified by the id attribute, but the instance is not a class specified by the class attribute, is it considered to be found? If not, it is obvious that the answer to the first question is no. What else would you do?


< jsp:setProperty > < jsp:getProperty > specify scope? If so, which domain do they search by default?

if there is only one domain to be searched by default, what if there is an instance with the same name if the answer to the first question is no? If the answer to the first question is true, only one domain is searched by default, so there is no problem. What if you run into an instance with the same name in multiple domains?

Thank you!
