The dist folder generated after vue-cli+webpack executes npm run build, can you upload the files in this folder directly?

I"ve been learning vue for some time, and it"s good to use it for simple project exercises. I just have a question for the time being. Such as the title, is that so? Do you need to pay attention to anything backstage? I have not done anything like this, but only run it locally. I hope you can talk about it


Yes, just upload the dist to the server.
can access dist/index.html. Of course, it is possible that you will encounter any relative path-related problems, so just go. It's not a thing.

the packaged files are uploaded directly. If the route is in history mode, or is not in the root directory, you need to modify some configurations. You can refer to my article . If you have any questions, you can continue to communicate!
