Mongoose fuzzy query based on Chinese characters

first of all, I have a club community table (collection);
then I want to find the community with the Chinese character in its name according to the fuzzy search of the input Chinese character. For example: societies are: "Tianyue run" and "Tianyue Voice". When I search for the word "Tianyue", I can find two clubs. I search "Tianyue" or "Tianyue", and I can find "Tian Yue" or "Tianyue". When I search for "Tianyue" or "Tianyue", I find the "Tianyue" society
. Finally, I solve to you, how to write this in mongoose? All I know is:

    clubName: clubName
  }, null, function (clubErr, clubDoc) {

can be a complete match, fuzzy matching does not know how to write, read the English official website is also a little knowledge, hope that the written partners can write down how to write, really can not find easy to understand information, dare to ask everyone! Thank you


use regular expressions to match: Query.prototype.regex () this is the document

clubName:new RegExp (clubName)
