Xunsearch search articles can be searched out, but search users can not.

1. I use the xunsearch search function to build a document index for two tables, one is the article table and the other is the user table
2. My configuration file has two user.ini article.ini contents as follows

project.name = user
project.default_charset = utf-8
server.index = xxx:8383
server.search = xxx:8384

type = id

index = self
phrase = yes


type = numeric

type = numeric

type = numeric

type = numeric
project.name = article
project.default_charset = utf-8
server.index = xxx:8383
server.search = xxx:8384

type = id

type = string


index = self
tokenizer = full

type = both

type = title

type = both

type = body

type = numeric

type = numeric

type = numeric

type = numeric

3. Create an indexed document

     * @param $type string (update)(add)
     * @param $subject string (article)(user)
     * @return bool
     * @throws \XSException
     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
    public function makedoc()
        $request = Request::instance();
        $type = $request->param("type");
        $subject = $request->param("subject");
        switch ($subject){
            case "article":
                $map = [
                    "status" => ExtraConst::NORMAL
                $order = "collect_numbers desc,reply_numbers desc,star_numbers desc,read_numbers desc,id desc";
                $articles = Article::all(function ($query) use ($map, $order) {
                if (!$articles) {
                    return false;
                $xs = new \XS(file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . "docs" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "article.ini"));
                $doc = new \XSDocument();
                foreach ($articles as $article) {
                        "id"            => $article->id,
                        "author"        => $article->author,
                        "user_id"       => $article->user_id,
                        "category_id"   => $article->category_id,
                        "category"      => $article->category,
                        "title"         => $article->title,
                        "content"       => $article->content,
                        "cover_url"     => $article->cover_url,
                        "reply_numbers" => $article->reply_numbers,
                        "star_numbers"  => $article->star_numbers,
                        "read_numbers"  => $article->read_numbers,
                        "createtime"    => $article->createtime,
                    if ($type === "add") {
                        $result = $xs->index->add($doc);
                    } elseif ($type === "update") {
                        $result = $xs->index->update($doc);
            case "user":
                $map = [
                    "status" => "normal"
                $order = "id desc";
                $users = User::all(function ($query) use ($map, $order){
                if (!$users) {
                    return false;
                $xs = new \XS(file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . "docs" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "user.ini"));
                $doc = new \XSDocument();
                foreach ($users as $user){
                        "id"                => $user->id,
                        "nickname"          => $user->nickname,
                        "avatar"            => $user->avatar,
                        "article_numbers"   => $user->article_numbers,
                        "follow_numbers"    => $user->follow_numbers,
                        "fans_numbers"      => $user->fans_numbers,
                        "createtime"        => $user->createtime,
                    if ($type === "add") {
                        $result = $xs->index->add($doc);
                    } elseif ($type === "update") {
                        $result = $xs->index->update($doc);

        if ($result) {
            echo "--------success  ----------";

4. Search for content based on keywords

     * @return array
     * @throws \XSException
    public function search()
        $request = Request::instance();
        $query = $request->post("key");
        $article_ini = file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . "docs" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "article.ini");
        $user_ini = file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . "docs" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "user.ini");
        $a_xs = new \XS($article_ini);
        $a_search = $a_xs->search;
        $a_search->setQuery($query)->setSort("createtime", true)->setLimit(20, 0);
        $a_docs = $a_search->search();
        $a_count = $a_search->count();
        $u_xs = new \XS($user_ini);
        $u_search = $u_xs->search;
        $u_search->setQuery($query)->setSort("createtime", true)->setLimit(20, 0);
        $u_docs = $u_search->search();
        $u_count = $u_search->count();

5. Use postman to test the interface

array(3) {
  ["code"] => int(1024)
  ["users"] => array(0) {
  ["articles"] => array(4) {
    [1] => array(10) {
      ["id"] => string(10) "jo1gn7l9b8"
      ["title"] => string(36) ""
      ["author"] => string(22) "-"
      ["user_id"] => string(10) "xenp87gyvk"
      ["read_numbers"] => string(3) "123"
      ["reply_numbers"] => string(4) "3445"
      ["star_numbers"] => string(4) "1322"
      ["cover_url"] => string(41) "/uploads/cover/20180423/5add3c3664db9.jpg"
      ["content"] => string(57) ""
      ["createtime"] => string(11) "04-11 18:52"
    [2] => array(10) {
      ["id"] => string(10) "jo1gn7l9b8"
      ["title"] => string(36) ""
      ["author"] => string(22) "-"
      ["user_id"] => string(10) "xenp87gyvk"
      ["read_numbers"] => string(3) "123"
      ["reply_numbers"] => string(4) "3445"
      ["star_numbers"] => string(4) "1322"
      ["cover_url"] => string(41) "/uploads/cover/20180423/5add3c3664db9.jpg"
      ["content"] => string(57) ""
      ["createtime"] => string(11) "04-11 18:52"

6. I tested many times
article keywords can be easily searched out, and the user table of the nickname data, how can not be found,
I try to linux / usr/local/xunsearch/data/db to find index documents, there are user and article documents, what is wrong with my code? I have debugged breakpoints in my UserModel, there is data, and the nickname keyword also exists.

Brother, are you writing these two tables to query the contents of the two tables? Did the final effect come true? I'm currently writing this. I'll ask you for advice
