Display of eCharts line chart

requested data, the displayed line chart is not in the specified interval
tooltip: {

trigger: "axis",
axisPointer: {
    type: "cross"

grid: {

left: "3%",
right: "4%",
bottom: "3%",
containLabel: true

dataZoom: [

    type: "inside",
    start: 1,
    end: 100

xAxis: {

type: "category",
data: [],
axisLabel: {
    formatter: function (value, idx) {
        var date = new Date(value);
        return idx === 0 ? value : [date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()].join("-");
splitLine: {
    show: false
boundaryGap: false

yAxis: {

axisLabel: {
    formatter: function (val) {
        return val * 2;
min: 0,
max: 110,
splitNumber: 10,
splitLine: {
    show: false

series: []

in fact, the range of data is between 70 and 100. Why is this happening?


axisLabel: {
    formatter: function (val) {
        return val * 2; //  y 2

first delete the label formatter in the yAxis axis, in addition, the maximum value of the Y axis can be determined by traversing the array, do not write dead 110, or directly set to 'dataMax' to automatically get the maximum value.
