Is this cookie not out of date?


Why 1969?


I can answer the question first cookie is not expired.
it's just that its save time is a session cycle (session), temporary Cookie, will not be persisted, that is, when you close your browser, the cookie will disappear.
Why the time the subject sees is 1969xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



is of course out of date. You document.cookie can't get this

< del > has expired. I wonder what time it is. The minimum time for reasoning is 1970-01-01 , that is, 1970-01-01T08:00:00 . < / del >

answer is wrong. See Mars Pastoral Dog .

  1. whether the expires expires
    the expiration time is set. If the expiration time is in the past, the cookie will no longer be sent to the server, and then the browser will delete the cookie.
  2. Why is 1969
    Why is 1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z , this is a UTC standard time, the unix timestamp starts from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, which is also the starting time when we calculate the timestamp. console.log (new Date ('1969-12-31T23). GetTime ()); 59.000Z'). GetTime ()); this value is-1000 Lindsay for 1 second, which is an idiomatic expression and is used to express the meaning of past time.