A project done by practical antd-mobile, the white screen appears when it is opened for the first time.

A project built by practical antd displays a white screen when it enters the page for the first time. Debugging sees an error:
as shown in figure:

"index.js:99 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Loading chunk 1 failed."

at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptComplete (index.js:99)

it is said on the Internet that the configuration of publicPath has been changed to "/". This error is still reported when the configuration item is written.

configuration is as follows:
export default {

"entry": "./src/index.js",
"outputPath": "./dist",
"disableCSSModules": true,
"hash": false,
"theme": {
    "@primary-color": "-sharp1DA57A",
    "@link-color": "-sharp1DA57A",
    "@border-radius-base": "2px",
    "@font-size-base": "16px",
    "@line-height-base": "1.2"
"sass": {
    "includePaths": ["src/assets/scss/"],
    "outputStyle": "compressed"
"extraBabelPlugins": [
    ["import", { "libraryName": "antd-mobile", "style": true }]
"browserslist": [
    "> 1%",
    "Android >= 4",
    "iOS >= 8"
"publicPath": "/",
"env": {
    "development": {
        "publicPath": "/"
"proxy": {

