Ajax + $.each traversal, browser debug mode is normal, normal mode is not normal. . Kneel late at night and beg for advice.

Code first:

/ AJAX process

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: {"objectId": objectId},
    async: false,
    url: "allTask.jsp" ,
    success: function(result){
        // AJAX 
        step_curr = steps_arr.indexOf(result["current"])+1;
        //  curr
        curr_arr = steps_arr.slice(0, step_curr);
        //  result
        for(var e in result){
                objj["XXX"] = result[e];
            } else {
                var _j = curr_arr.indexOf(e.slice(6));
                if( _j > -1){
                    objj[""+curr_arr[_j]] = result[e];
        //  group33 .group33 : display:none
        curr_name = result["current"];
        $.each(result, function(index, value, array){
                for(var k=0; k<value.length; kPP){
                    if(A && B) {
                        $("-sharpsubmit").attr("data-tid", "xxxx");**
            steps: steps_arr,
            step: step_curr,
            objj: objj

code as above,
target; execute the following two sentences:

$("-sharpsubmit").attr("data-tid", "xxxx");  
< hr >

actual situation:

in browser debug mode (and with a breakpoint), the code does go in and execute the above two statements.
however, these two statements are not executed in browser normal mode.

= (ask the great god.) =


the reason why ajax is asynchronous? But I didn"t find anything caused by asynchronism. Reason)


you above set not to use asynchrony, which should not be the reason for asynchrony. But for one thing, you iterate through result twice, the first time you use for, to iterate over the object, and the second time you use $.each to iterate over the array, so what is the type of this result?

was not executed

just print it and see why it didn't be executed
