Can flex layout be fully used in mobile hybrid development without compatibility issues? Is there no compatibility problem with flex in Wechat? Thank you

can css3"s flex layout be fully used in mobile hybrid development without compatibility issues? Is there no compatibility problem with flex in Wechat?


can answer your situation in Wechat. In 15 or 16 years, I used flex layout in Wechat with autoprefixer , no problem.

flex and box layout ios most models can adapt to the minimum iPhone 4s Android 4.0 or above.

is used all the time in my project.

I'll show you the screenshot directly!


in fact, this kind of question goes directly to caniuse and a search will make it very clear

webpack + postCss + autoprefixer + css (sass or less) are packaged and compiled, and the style attributes are automatically prefixed with compatible prefixes. For example, if you only need to write: display: flex, and then compile it, you will automatically add compatibility:-webkit-display: content-box;
