Is it necessary for front-end engineers to learn typescript now?

to do Wechat Mini Game recently, the initially selected animation engine is Egret era
but the language of this animation engine is typescript,. Do you still need to learn typescript at the front end? If there is no need for much learning, just change to an animation engine.

the development of language depends on ecology. TS has developed very well in the past two years. Many new projects have been written in TS , and I think more people will use TS in the next few years.

Application layer ts costs very low, just add a type declaration. If you want Slack Off, all types can be set to any .
if the cost of doing the framework layer is a bit high, you need to be familiar with design patterns and generic programming

ts can be compatible with js

is not a necessary question, whether it should be learned or not, ts feels that it should be learned. In addition, webassembly is also worth learning. Recently, Wo also wanted to take the time to learn this stuff. Egret Wo remembers that he also used a lot of webassembly.
