Git added a tag, to the local warehouse how to transfer the tag Synchronize to the remote warehouse?

can"t remote (GitHub) need to be manually added again?


push all tag: git push-- tags

with git commands

View file status: git status
switch branch: git checkout [branch name]
add file: git add [file name]
add all files: git add-all
delete file: git rm [file name]
submit code to local warehouse : git commit-m "description"
push the local warehouse code to the remote: git push

the code must be checked before rolling back: (push, otherwise there are many holes in the rollback)
check the log: git log
rollback to the previous version: git reset-- hard head ^
to the specified version: git reset-- hard [commit hash]

create branch
create branch: git checkout-b [branch name]
delete branch: git branch-d [branch name]
push branch to remote: git push origin [branch name]
associated remote branch: git push-- set-upstream origin [branch name]

merge branch code
entire branch merge: git checkout [branch name to be merged]
merge according to [demand | commit hash]

  :git cherry-pick [commit hash]
  :git rebase   ()

type the tag (tag name for the publishing branch, please keep the same as the publishing branch name)
type tag: git tag-a [tagged name]-m "this time tag remarks"
push all tag: git push-- tags
Delete tag: git tag-d [tagged name]

git push origin --tags