Element-ui select searchable function cannot enter text under IE

how to solve the problem, it can"t be solved on the official website


there is a similar problem in issue of element-UI : https://github.com/ElemeFE/el.

I suggest the following methods:
1, check whether your version of element-ui is too low, update to the latest version and try;
2, instead of provided by element-ui , search for drop-down menu components, but write a component to complete the corresponding function.

I hope my answer will be helpful to you!

if the official website does not support it, it should be incompatible with the lower version of IE

1. You can go to element-ui to mention an issue, to see if the authorities will modify
2. Implement this function by yourself

which version of IE browser and element-UI are you? if it is a select search, you can try to write one yourself.

IE11 paste is possible, but input is really not allowed

official website has fixed bug

encounter the same problem, find a solution
