Regular description of a string of numbers

Can rules greater than 0.01and less than 100000 be written?


regular? num > 0.01&&num < 100000 ?

^ ((100000 (\. 0 {1 code 2})?) | (\ d {1jue 5}) (\.\ d [1-9] {1jue 2})?) $

first of all. Why do you use regularities? no, no, no.

and, the implementation of regularization:

(() => {
  let reg = /^(0(\.(0[^\D0])|([^\D0]\d)))|(((\d)|(0\d{0, 4}[^\D0])|([^\D0]\d{0, 5}))(\.((\d)|(0\d{0, }[^\D0])|([^\D0]\d{0, })))?)$/

  let count = 0.01

  while (count <= 100000) {
    if (!reg.test(String(count))) {
      console.log('Error: ', String(count))
    count += 0.01
