Mpvue introduces fly.js to report error

has installed: npm install flyio-- save.

according to Npm as stated on the official website.

var Fly=require ("flyio/dist/npm/wx")
var fly=new Fly

but error
These dependencies were not found:

  • fs in. / ~ / flyio/src/node/index.js,. / ~ / request/lib/har.js and 2 others
  • dgram in. / ~ / sntp/lib/index.js,. / ~ / native-dns/lib/server.js and 2 others

To install them, you can run: npm install-- save fs dgram

I solved
but unlike ran doll,
needs to be configured in the
webpack.base.conf.js file

alias: {
      'vue': 'mpvue',
      '@': resolve('src'),
      'flyio': 'flyio/dist/npm/wx'

have you solved it? I made the same mistake

solved the problem that there is no landlord, come up and say To install them, you can run: npm install-- save fs dgram

< hr >


I have solved


navigate to the flyio folder under node_modules
and install fs and dgram

cd node_modules/flyio
npm install --save fs dgram


these two packages are not installed automatically when installing flyio, and the plug-in itself is a problem

the error reported is different, how to solve it?

mine is not defined, but it is different from yours.
I read that I rely on the source code of WeChat Mini Programs entry in wx.js
var _ Fly = _ _ webpack_require__ (2);
states that it uses _ Fly
but outputs
module.exports = function (engine) {
return new Fly (engine | | wxEngine);
reports that Fly is not defined.
do you have such a situation?

VM4854:1 thirdScriptError
sdk uncaught third Error
Fly is not defined
ReferenceError: Fly is not defined

what do I mean by this mistake? ha

was also confused when it encountered this error at first. Google did not locate the reason for reporting the error for a long time.
later learned that this is a defect of the mpvue framework. The solution is:
delete the current dist directory, and then rerun the npm run dev error report

if this does not work, try
to delete the current dist directory, run npm run build, first, and then run npm run dev
