Using emit/on to pass the value of the child component to the parent component, what is the problem that the parent component cannot get it?

VUE rookie, wrote a BUS to pass parameters. There is no problem between sibling components of the same code. If used on parent-child components, the parent component cannot get the value passed by $on. There is no problem with the reference of BUS. I have tried to replace it with this, but I use a multi-check box to get the value using the monitor. All the people on the Internet use click events to get the value, so I don"t understand the usage of this this.
this is the parent component code:
created () {

    Bus.$on("checkList", function(params) {
        params.forEach(function (p) {

this is the subcomponent code:
watch: {

  checkList (val) {
        Bus.$emit("checkList", val);

the running result of the peer component. Clicking multiple selections will traverse all the values in the checkbox:
