How does SpringDataJpa increase the table id of oracle by itself?

anyone who has used oracle knows that the self-increasing id, of oracle is usually implemented by sequence.

I only marked @ Id, on the entity and did not mark it to other additional comments. I thought there would be an error in save, but it actually helped me add my own id.

where on earth does spring-data-jpa maintain a self-incrementing record?

is there any official document parsing? Ask the great god for advice.

@ GeneratedValue
it is usually convenient to allow persistence implementations to automatically assign unique values to identity fields. JPA contains GeneratedValue annotations for this purpose. It has the following properties:

GenerationType policy: enumerates values that specify how field values are automatically generated. The GenerationType enumeration has the following values:

GeneratorType.AUTO: default value. Assigning the generated value to the field is up to the JPA vendor to decide the implementation (such as hibernate).

the GenerationType.IDENTITY: database will assign an identity value, such as MySQL's auto_increment, at insert time.

GenerationType.SEQUENCE: uses database sequences to generate field values, such as oracle.

GenerationType.TABLE: uses sequence tables to generate field values. As in the following example

@Table(name = "JPAGEN_PERSON")
public class Person implements Serializable {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE,
            generator = "personGen")
    @TableGenerator(name = "personGen",
            table = "JPAGEN_GENERATORS",
            pkColumnName = "NAME",
            pkColumnValue = "JPAGEN_PERSON_GEN",
            valueColumnName = "VALUE")
    private long id;
    // other fields and methods are omitted 

as to which method you say is related to the implementation of jpa, you can take a look at this link

but since the underlying implementation is still hibernate, you can refer to the implementation of hibernate

ide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html-sharpannotations-hibernate-generatortype" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">
