There is no label attribute in the input component of the elementui1.x.x version

there is no label attribute in the input component of the elementui1.x.x version, and since the display of the page is inconsistent with the value passed to the background, what I need to show is the actual address. The value passed to the background is in the shape of "11010200000000" code, and there is a "worthy of verification to the background". If you directly use the field for conversion, you will make the verification problem. is there a suitable solution? My current code is as follows:

<el-col :span="6">
    <el-form-item label="" prop="hjq" required class="mulitfix">
        <el-input v-model="form.hjq" disabled></el-input>

this.form.hjq = ksbmxx.hjsfmc + ksbmxx.hjsmc + ksbmxx.hjqmc; //form
this.hjq = ksbmxx.hjq; // 

hjq: [{ validator: validator("12, "full", "", false") }],

you can modify it with the help of third-party variables, as long as you bind it unilaterally. For example, add watch attribute to Vue.

// inputthis.form.hjq
//  data
watch: {
  'form.hjq': {
     handler: function (val, oldval) { = this.process(val) //input
     deep: true