Regular help about time

the format of HH:MM;" needs to be verified, such as: HH is hour, from 00-23th MM to minute, from 00-59; it can be repeated more than one time, ending with a semicolon; for example:


help regular master, thank you very much!

fixed HH:MM; time format check should be easy to write

00:00-19:59 split into a segment, [0-1] [0-9]: [0-5] [0-9] ;
20:00-23:59 split into a segment, 2 [0-3]: [0-5] [0-9] ;

then one or more, +

The definition of the regular words

is not obvious, and it is difficult to write because they are all numbers plus colons. It is suggested to change a way of thinking, write your own template and then replace it, and finally see whether it conforms to the template. The parse in the specific implementation method
is such a way of thinking to see if it can solve your problem
