In vue, how to give a color according to the size of a number value.

I now have a set of data that is looped through v-for, in which a data is given red when it needs to be greater than zero and green when it is below zero. What are the ways to implement the code?
I want to write it in the loop body and make a judgment about the binding style, but I don"t know how to implement it.


// template
<div v-for="item in list" :style="'color:'+(item.value>0?'red':'green')+';'">{{}}</div>

// js
data () {
    return {
        list: [{
            name: 1,
            value: 1
        }, {
            name: 2,
            value: -1
        }, {
            name: 3,
            value: 3

change the background color when you click

// template
<div v-for="(item, index) in list" <!-- vue1.0 itemindex -->
      :class="{active: index === activeIndex}"

// js
data () {
    return {
        list: [{
            name: 1,
            value: 1
        }, {
            name: 2,
            value: -1
        }, {
            name: 3,
            value: 3
        activeIndex: -1

methods: {
    clickHandler (index) {
        this.activeIndex = index

// css
.active {
  background-color: yellow;

just make the style dynamic


official document: ide/class-and-style.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">
