In vue, the radio binding problem with the checkbox

In the

vue project, using the radio box, v-model binds an array. When the array is empty, the radio box is still selected.

<input type="radio" v-model="arr"/>

data() {
    return {
        arr: []

how to modify it, when emptying the array, uncheck the checkbox?


first of all, I don't quite understand why the subject binds an array to radio's v-model, if you want to bind multiple radio? If so, refer to the official instance ide/forms.html-sharp%E5%8D%95%E9%80%89%E6%8C%89%E9%92%AE" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> official instance

if the subject must bind an array, you can customize an attribute on the array as follows:

 data () {
    return {
        arr: []


 <input type="radio" value="1" v-model="arr.a">
<input type="radio" value="2" v-model="arr.a">
<input type="radio" value="3" v-model="arr.a">

I don't know any other way. If a great god passes by, please give me some advice.

No code word x?

casually write a demo, you can take a look at

Boolean value of empty array or ture, empty arr can be arr='' or null

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