How to write confirm pop-up window by vue.js

I realize that after clicking submit, the selection box pops up. Confirm: submit, cancel: do not submit. Now I have written an outline, but I don"t know how to connect the submission function to the prompt box.
pop-up code:

<transition name="bounce">
                    <div class="kiko-confirm" v-if="visible">
                      <div class="bg"></div>
                      <div class="kiko-container" :style="{width: width}">
                        <div class="header">
                          <i @click="close" class="icon-remove icon-large kiko-close-btn" v-if="closeVisible"></i>
                        <div class="content">
                        <slot name="footer">
                          <div class="kiko-footer" slot="footer">
                            <a href="javscript:void(0)" class="kiko-btn make-sure" @click="confirmMakeSure"></a>
                            <a href="javscript:void(0)" class="kiko-btn cancel" @click="confirmVisible = false"></a>

submit button:

 <button v-on:click="submit($event)">submit</button>

how can the pop-up window above appear as soon as you click submit, and then click OK to submit it?


I recommend a vue UI library iview


if your submit wants to control the display of the dom above, the real submission method should be written to the confirm button of the pop-up box. The cancel button is to control the hidden

of the pop-up box.

gives only the solution, not the code
pop-up window should be encapsulated as a functional component. Using slot to insert the
code you need is also encapsulated in a vue component.
first call the save function and then call
this.close. Directly set v-if to false
call this.close directly to false

and then recommend a UI library of vue to you. element
