How to write one of the three choices with Element UI form verification?

I am a diglog pop-up window, in which the form needs to be verified, but there are three items of input phone, mailbox, landline. You can fill in only one of these three items. How to write verification rules.
the concrete picture is shown below.

I use vue and "s UI framework.

associate 3 items to a custom validation rule validator .

someRule: [{
 validator: function(rule, value, callback) {}

judge that as long as one item is not empty, it is true

you can do this

make a drop-down list box

there are three options: mobile phone, landline and mailbox

in this way, one of the three choices is realized

is followed by a text box that OK the verification item selected by the customer

would you like to ask if this problem has been solved? I have encountered the same problem
