Database clothing inventory table design?

as shown in the following picture, the inventory table of the clothing industry like this, how to design the database, the color and size of each order may be different.


you can set three fields: color, size type and size, such as

| color | size_type | size |
| Rice White | char | S |
| original White | length | 170 |

there should be a field in the order table that directly stores the information of all specifications in string form, such as
attr: black, M code.
this is just for convenience. Of course, you also need an accurate id,
for each item of each order, and then you have to have an "order specification form". The fields should include:
order_id: order number.
goods_id: merchandise id
attr: merchandise attribute (specification), such as color, size
value: attribute value, such as white, M code


main table of product: goods
option: attribute table, that is,
option_value: attribute value table of color, size, fabric, etc., that is, red, blue, L, M, S, pure cotton, etc.
product_variant: commodity SKU table
product_variant_option_value: commodity SKU corresponding attribute value table
