What is the principle of redis expiration?

set a key-value pair in redis and expire after 1000 seconds

set test "nnn"

expire test 1000

, change the system time to this time tomorrow, using the following command:

ttl test
The result of


excuse me: what is the impact of modifying system time on redis cache?


redis triggers expiration conditions. There are two types:

  • internally query expired key based on system time
  • when actively querying this key, it will detect whether it has expired

redis expiration time is the timestamp after the current time + expiration time is settled, that is, the expiration time. Therefore, the change of system time will affect the expiration time of redis.

official documentation: https://redis.io/commands/exp.

 client.set(args, data, 'EX', 24 * 60 * 60, (error, param) => {

 client.del(args, args);//client.del

redis official documentation is available.
