How to open the local folder in the vue project?

on my page, I want to see this picture under this path


(please don"t say pass img, please read the title), a tag clearly. I tried it, but it didn"t work.
< input type= "file" > can only display file names on the page


first of all, you have no way to access the user's file system in the browser except < input type= "file" > .
if you want to display the pictures in input file on the page, you can go like this:

   and the user clicks and selects independently to access the local file, and the obtained file cannot get the absolute path of the file, only know the file name and the encapsulated  file  object. If it is a picture, you can read the picture into  Base64  encoded URL to display in the web page to realize the picture preview. If it is a picture, you can read the picture into  Base64  encoded URL through the api of file. 
