Simulated login website, found that the post form when the password and account are encrypted, encrypted js can be found, but the encrypted parameters are randomly returned by the server, how to do?

simulated login to a website and found that the password and account number were encrypted when the post form was found. The encrypted data was passed to an input, with the type attribute of hidden. I want to get the input, but after clicking the login button, the input refreshes


URLsrc= "" URLrandom


above is the form of post

Last site link is link description


encoding function is quite simple and can be directly converted into python code, as follows

-sharp !/usr/bin/python2
-sharp -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests

def get_login_data():
    url = ''
    rsp = requests.get(url)
    return rsp.text.encode()

def encode(usr, pwd, data):
    scode, sxh = data.split('-sharp')
    raw = usr + '%%%' + pwd
    enc = ''
    for i in range(len(raw)):
        if i < 20:
            enc += raw[i] + scode[0:int(sxh[i])]
            scode = scode[int(sxh[i]):]
            enc += raw[i:]
    return enc

def login():
    -sharp encoded = encode(xx, xx, get_login_data())
    -sharp ...

if you encounter a very complex encoding (encryption) function, you can extract the javascript code and execute it directly with a js engine (such as nodejs) to get the result.

the encoded I see is to get a string by requesting the interface / , then the first half is the string that needs to be mixed, and the second half is the mixed length, and then the string is stitched together with the user name and password to cross-mix to get the final encoded
CAPTCHA you need to identify the picture

it is you who are protected.
