Find a way out in the development of Web.

recently, we have encountered a problem when developing the function of the model AGV to move in the field.




Paper.jsCanvasSVGHTMLsvgNOT FOUND`



the PyCharm I use supports the svg file format, but the Flask server does not seem to be able to parse this file correctly. I hope someone with knowledge can give me some advice.
with regard to roadside traffic and control actions, I hope you can have a big hand to give us some ideas, or existing and related solutions.
feeling sorry, feeling again and again.

py is not familiar, so give me some ideas.

the difference between SVG and Canvas, I think the former is more declarative (or similar to HTML tags), while the latter is more imperative (corresponding to Javascript). As a result, SVG has an advantage in using fixed / existing images and relatively "fixed" animation effects, while Canvas is dynamic enough to be suitable for complex logic controls (for example, drawing continuous sinusoids based on sound waves) or in situations where 2D/3D or complex graphics are required. As for vectors or bitmaps, it doesn't matter because they all have the ability to manipulate bitmaps. In the
title, I think SVG is more suitable. I said earlier that SVG and HTML will be relatively friendly, so if it is not a very large file, after removing the XML and Doctype statements at the top, it can be directly embedded in HTML. For example, in an H5 I wrote before, several small images appear separately. In order to avoid locating them one by one, I wrote them directly into a SVG container:


this paragraph I wrote directly into HTML, you can see that the main SVG tag is actually only SVG namespace ( xmlns= ""), version information (version number version=" 1.1 " and the corresponding language set baseProfile=" full "), and then add a width and height (of course, if there is a complex zoom can add SVG viewport attributes), positioning directly with CSS positioning on the line. Vector words is the same way of thinking, you can see that you have written Demo, can be put in to try.
