Is the react native component always left blank at the top of the listview drop-down?

1. At the beginning, it was



Why is this?

this problem mainly occurs on iOS, because iOS's scrollview is elastic without Android.
personal solution is to return false, instead of blocking when determining whether to intercept pull-up events. In this way, the pull-up is still left to scrollview to handle on its own. I hope it can solve the problem, if not, it can provide an idea to help you solve the problem.

use the new version of flatlist or Scrollview
pull-up and drop-down without white space

Open the mode menu, toggle Inspector and take a look at the rendering layer. The ListView I used the other day doesn't have this problem with you

< ListView automaticallyAdjustContentInsets= {false}. / >

refer to the attribute for ios in ScrollView, the

at the beginning of auto.