How to understand dependencies in IDEA?


idea_doc/intellij_idea_doc-malp2e38.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">

how do you understand the table in the figure above?


this has nothing to do with IDEA, using maven's dependency solution. Maven divides dependencies into several visible levels, and different levels of dependencies have different packaging results.

from the packaging results alone, dependencies at the compile and runtime levels are packaged into jar/war,test/testCompile/provide but not.

from the compilation results, compile-level dependencies are visible from compile-package-run-test, while runtime levels are not visible at compilation level and visible during run and test (for example, JDBC Driver, usually uses Class.forName () reflection references, so it is not needed during compilation, but only at run time)

Several of the

test levels are easy to understand. You only need to run automated tests (such as spock, junit, jmock, etc.), not when you hit the package.
