Linux executes js scripts regularly

I want to execute the node script at 6:30 every morning. Is that right?

6 30 * * * /bin/bash "node /mnt/app/dituwuyou_schedule/server/taskService/loadNormalData.js"


format should be like this

<>  <>  <>  <>  <>  <>

here node can be executed directly without bash , such as

30  6  *  *  *  /usr/bin/node xxx.js

it's the other way around. Minutes and hours

commands to be run by crontab time-sharing day, month and week

  • column 1 minutes 0: 59
  • column 2: 023 hours (0 means midnight)
  • column 3 1: 31
  • the fourth column of the month 1: 12
  • column 5: 0007 (0 and 7 for Sunday)
  • commands to run in column 6

