How can css, loaded by angularjs ocLazyLoad be enabled according to different pages to prevent global contamination?

at present, a project in the company uses a lot of js and css files in angularjs1.5, to load lazily in the $ocLazyLoad of resolve.

however, I found a problem that the css and js, loaded with $ocLazyLoad didn"t clean up after the page switch, and hung in head all the time, accumulating more and more, and then a lot of class names of the same name were contaminated.

is there any way to enable files loaded by $ocLazyLoad only under the current route?

Code sample:

function config ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider, $httpProvider) {
    .state("index", {
      url: "/index",
      templateUrl: "src/index.html",
      data: { pageTitle: "" }
    //  1
    .state("index.page1", {
      url: "/page1",
      templateUrl: "src/page-1.html",
      data: { pageTitle: " 1" },
      resolve: {
        loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
          return $ocLazyLoad.load([
              files: ["css/style-1.css"]
    //  2
    .state("index.page2", {
      url: "/page2",
      templateUrl: "src/page-2.html",
      data: { pageTitle: " 2" },
      resolve: {
        loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
          return $ocLazyLoad.load([
              files: ["css/style-2.css"]

  // :
  //  1  2
  //  1  style-1.css head
  //  2 



so far I haven't found out how to destroy the css file loaded by oc, but there is an indirect solution: when switching routes, dynamically switch the class name to body, and the contents of each css file are under the class of body. In this way, global pollution can be avoided. General class is placed in index.css
