Under ie9, is there any other way to listen for the browser's fallback behavior besides the popstate event?

popstate events are only compatible with ie10 and above. I have tried onhashchange events in a lower version, but I can"t implement them. Are there any other ideas or methods?

this requirement has been resolved. There is no better way to monitor browser fallback behavior under ie9. Only the native function onhashchange can barely do this. But this thing monitors not only backward behavior, but also forward and jump behavior. So the solution I came up with is as follows:
location.hash= "fobidback";
location.hash= "forbidbackagain";
window.onhashchange = function () {

   location.hash = "fobidback ";

since then it is possible to disable browser backwards under ie9. So how to allow it to jump normally? It's very simple. Just take ajax.
