On the problem of repeated request for pictures by vue-lazyload

1. I used vue-lazyload, in the project, but found that some people who asked for pictures would repeat the request, causing the web page to load too slowly







in the debugging tool in Google browser, network, uncheck the disable cache

also encounter this problem. Have you solved the problem

add: key is OK: key='item.src'

Hello, ask you, that is to see that you also put forward the problem of repeated loading of images in the v-lazy plug-in, have you solved this problem?

I also encountered the same problem. How is it realized?

Today I happen to encounter this problem. The same image will be requested twice. It is not a problem that google disabled cache or key did not add. The reason is that the address of the requested picture is caused by session_start. If you go to the session_start, you can only load it once. After investigation, it is because header head with Cache-cancel = no Cache, is estimated to be the same as google disabled cache!

Vue.use(VueLazyload, {
  preLoad: 1.3,
  error: 'dist/error.png',
  loading: 'dist/loading.gif',
  attempt: 1  

add the attempt attribute

first of all, a duplicate request should have been sent.
but how much is the impact of this repeat request?

  • usually pictures are cached, so when caching is used, requests are not repeated, so the impact of repeated requests is negligible.
  • if disable cache, is enabled, the request will be repeated. But the effect is much better than not using vmurazy v-lazy, so even if the request is repeated, it is still cost-effective. Moreover, users will not take the initiative to disable cache at all.

to sum up, even if you repeat the request, you should firmly use vmurlaz.
