Vue webpack proxy acts as an agent, prompting 504 (Gateway Timeout) all the time.

I am now using webpack to develop the project, but when I request a background interface, I will prompt for cross-domain, then take a look at the use of webpack"s devServer as a proxy, and then follow this, and find that the proxy has not been successful. Ask the gods for advice
this is my proxy configuration;





this problem has been solved. When you need an agent locally, for example, the interface
should be written like this
proxy: {

        '/**': {
            target: '', 
            changeOrigin: true,
    axios baseURL='/portal';

Agent No problem. Can I send other code?

I have the same problem. Have you solved it? Can you share

make sure your new service is open, and open the server by, node index, under the server folder.

I have the same problem. Have you solved it? Can you share

the server port number is changed to 80
'/ api': {

    target: '',
    changeOrigin: true,
    pathRewrite: {
      '^/api': ''

API request api/aa/getBB
