There are many div elements with the same class= "demo" class name on the page. How to use css to select the first div? whose class is demo

there are many div elements with the same class= "demo" class name in the page, but not all of them are in the same parent element. How to use css to select the first div? whose class is demo


what a pure css selector cannot do with different parent elements, change the implementation idea, such as changing the structure or using js.

$('.demo'). Eq (0); so not the first

I don't know whether you use jq or native
var demon_01 = $('.demon'). Eq (0)
var demon_01 = document.querySelectorAll ('.swiper-slide') [0]

people use css a bunch of jQuery disdain->

.test:nth-of-type(N) {
  //  N  div
.test:last-child {
  //  div