Mini Program uses ES6 syntax, will there be a problem on Android low-end browsers?

the first time I developed Mini Program, I saw that Mini Program could set es6 to es5, so I used some es6 syntax, such as let, const, arrow function and this in it. But I don"t know if Mini Program will be all right in the low version of Android browser. I will ask for the advice of my experienced seniors.

< del > the X5 kernel of Tencent browser used by the new version of Wechat, no problem. The old version of Wechat does not have Mini Program function, so there is no need to worry < / del >
Mini Program's js execution engine should be independent JavascriptCore, and not affected by the system (Android). There should be no problem

as you can see, Mini Program's development tool will translate ES6-> ES5, so the code finally launched is ES5, and there is basically no incompatibility.
