How v-model binds variables


v-model binds the variable "item.key"," within the loop and the actual result is that the value is displayed as a string binding. Awkward

are there any other methods that support two-way binding?

columns looks something like this

title: "",
key: "realName",
width: 110,
align: "center",
stype: "string",
canSearch: true


title: "",
key: "description",
width: 90,
align: "center",
stype: "string",
canSearch: true



what is your columns like?

because v-model is bidirectional binding and is a binding variable. In your place, you bind item.key as a variable, and pass the corresponding value of item.key. Instead of what you understand, the value of item.key is bound as a variable.

v-model binds the variable 'item.key',' within the loop and the actual result is that the value is displayed as a string binding.


that's what it is. I don't know what effect you want.

it's OK to ask and answer yourself. I don't know what you're going to do.

look at my previous answer.
doesn't know how to ask again.
